Duke Law Journal has issued a call for papers for its
37th Annual Administrative Law Conference:
The Duke Law Journal will host its thirty-seventh annual Administrative Law Conference in February of 2007. The conference will consider the administrative state’s regulation of food.
We seek submissions addressing novel administrative law issues raised by organic and genetically modified foods, in addition to food safety, nutrition, and regulations affecting farmers, ranchers, and the food supply in general.
Please submit a short (1,500-word) prospectus of your proposed topic to dlj@law.duke.edu by August 28, 2006, with the subject heading “ALC Submission.” Authors will be notified of the results of our selection process by September 12, 2006. All submissions should be accompanied by the author’s curriculum vitae, and an indication of the author’s availability in February 2007.
Thanks to
Larry Solum at Legal Theory Blog and
Dave Hoffman at Concurring Opinions for disseminating this information. This announcement has been cross-posted at
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