(Un) Happy Cow Campaign Continues

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sued the CMBA under California's Unfair Competition Law (UCL) alleging that the advertisements were false and deceptive. Th

As I was raised on a traditional midwest family dairy farm, I have always had an interest in cows. And, milk and cheese have always been a significant part of my diet. I am the kind of consumer who can tell the difference in the taste of different brands of milk and who thinks that there are few things better than a well crafted cheese. When I moved from Minnesota to Arkansas, my options declined, and in particular, I missed the good cheese readily available from local processors in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
With this background in mind, consider my reaction when one recent evening on my way home, I stopped to pick up some groceries (probably milk, but I can't recall for sure). I was confronted by a grocery store employee that offered me some "cheese from happy cows in California." I considered her offer long enough to discover that it was from our local Arkansas dairy manufacturer, and that she was bragging about the fact that its cheese came from milk from California cows. I was astounded. There was just so much that was wrong.
- Shipping a perishable commodity across the country when it could just as well be produced locally at lower cost and with less environmental impact.
- Raising cows and producing milk for mass production in a location that is far from ideal - too hot and too dry and with food that has to be either heavily irrigated or shipped in.
- Claiming that the cows are somehow happier in California's industrialized dairies.
- Turning all of the negatives into a marketing campaign to make consumers think that the dairy product will somehow be better.

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